Friday, February 18, 2005
The Jeff Gannon variety show, part 1: You're the Top! The entertainment value of the saga of GannonGuckert seems sure to pay many tax-free dividends for weeks to come. On one of the lesser-known radio stations that still plays music, wouldn't it be great to hear a song that goes like this:You're the Top! Sung by Republican clients of Jeff Gannon to the tune of Cole Porter's "You're the Top" You're the top! You're an online hooker, You're the top! By the name of Guckert, You're a prostitute in a business suit disguise. You're a shill for McClellan Who writes for Talon, Telling right-wing lies! You're the Right, you're a tuneless crooner, As uptight as a Peggy Nooner. I'm the worthless john who led you on, a flop! But if baby I'm the bottom, You're the top! You're the top! You're without credentials. You're the top! But your bare essentials Serve to take you down in this ruthless town so quick. Hear the freepers shout While you're whipping out Your eight-inch dick! You're a fake, you're a party stringer, T-bone steak and a hired swinger. I'm a homo spree in the GOP, a sop! But if baby I'm the bottom, You're the top! With profuse apologies to Cole Porter, Ella Fitzgerald, etc.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Scraping by on $76,000 a month . While we debate the scourge and the glory of private accounts, I have to admit I've read nearly everything on the subject of Key Lay's retirement but somehow I missed this :Once the [variable] annuities reach maturity in February 2007, Kenneth and Linda Lay will be guaranteed monthly payments of $43,023 and $32,643, respectively, for life. For life ! I was hoping to hear those same two words in the context of Ken Lay's prison sentence. After all, he helped "privatize" thousands of his employees' retirement savings and investments right out of existence.
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