GOP sex party. Belatedly we learn about a documentary on suburban swinging, whose "Orange County subjects are largely conservative, suburban and patriotic. They mow their lawns, vote Republican, dote over their grandchildren, own motorboats, eat red meat, and talk about the dog and cat. On weekends they 'party' — engage in sex with similar white, married couples who have taken up 'sport fucking' as passionately as other retirees tie flies or paint watercolors."
The documentary, The Lifestyle: Group Sex in the Suburbs by director David Schisgall, came out in those innocent months before the Supreme Court selected Dubya for his first term in office. Don't get me wrong, this is not disapproval of what Orange County Republican swingers are doing. My take is that consenting folks should always be free to do as they please among themselves. The problem they will face is that their conservative comrades — just like those of the Log Cabin Republicans — are on a relentless crusade to destroy their sexual privacy and their non-coercive adult enjoyments. In other words, they have partnered with the wrong political ideology, and need to wake up and realize that they are big-tent Democrats trapped in O.C. bodies.
Orgy-loving white suburban Schwarzenegger Republicans, be afraid, be very afraid: your cheery sport fucking will soon go the way of medical marijuana if the Confederate Republicans get all their sanctimonious, invasive Christmas wishes.