Wednesday, November 27, 2002
In Junior's democracy, your opinions will be restricted and/or disregarded. The new film remake of Solaris, directed and written by Steven Soderbergh and based on the book by Stanislaw Lem, gets a very guardedly positive review in the New York Times:Its insistence on remaining cerebral and somber to the end may be a sign of integrity, but it should cost it dearly at the box office.Isn't it time to stop slamming Al Gore? "Doctor, I keep hearing names from the 70s and 80s play over and over in my head..." Kissinger will head the 9/11 commission, via Yahoo/AP:The 10-member commission will be evenly divided between Republican and Democratic appointees. As Bush demanded, the president will name the chairman [i.e., Kissinger] and it will take at least six members, in most cases, to approve subpoenas.Kissinger falls right along the line on which Poindexter squats. Cambodia. Iran. And now a new set of international crimes du jour. UggaBugga on terrorism insurance as a form of corporate welfare:Let us say at this point that we think insurance is rational and worthwhile. It is, historically speaking, an idea that's been useful to society for about 400 years. However, for reasons unknown, some on the right howl that insurance for people (unemployment, retirement*) is a variant of socialism (which it isn't). Yet they cheer insurance for businesses.*I would add medical insurance to this list.
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Morons say this is an outlandish slur. "We're nice people," explained one. "We don't threaten other countries or use the courts to steal elections. George W. Bush may be a dangerous lunatic. But he's no moron." Get Your War On comes to the hometown:Saturday, November 30 Last night I attended Lyric Opera of Chicago's Die Walküre (The Valkyries), the second of the four operas that comprise Richard Wagner's Ring. Ordinarily I can't stand most writing about blogs because it tends to be so insular and narcissistic. But these notes by Jeff Jarvis from the Yale conference last week were concise, insightful and personal – just like the best blogs.
Monday, November 25, 2002
Memories... like the corners of John M. Poindexter's indictment. Today is the 16th anniversary of the revelations behind Iran-Contra (and Poindexter's concurrent resignation), documented in this flashback from The New York Times. The Rittenhouse Review presents a lengthy and thoughtful examination of how the nasty, back-stabbing character of high school cliques shapes the world of blogging, journalism and even the obsessions whirling around Al Gore. Moron is as moron does. Tonight HBO broadcasts one of the most subversive American films ever made: Forrest Gump. Expertly produced and directed, it seductively rewrites history by fetishizing stupidity. You can draw a direct line from the screenplay's vacuous anti-intellectual froth to the empty phrases that pass for public rhetoric in the USA today. Skimble rating: 2 out of 10. Will your energy trade be one way or round trip? Today's Wall Street Journal (subscribers only) details the back story behind one-time Enron suitor Dynegy and its fall from grace, and the tribulations still being endured by its principal whistleblower, Ted Beatty. From the article:All [plaintiffs' lawyers, regulators and short-sellers] hoped to take Mr. Beatty's information and benefit from it, in different ways. Some, he says, assured him his assistance would earn him big money. But no such payout has materialized, and now, unemployed and in financial stress, he is feeling betrayed. "They all said they wanted to help me," he says. "I was dumb. I fell for it." […]The theme of this story (and many others of current import): Shut up and let us steal. Hypocritical is far too small a word to describe the geniuses who run the energy industry in Texas, and the morons* they support. A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting and hiking around southeastern Utah, including Comb Ridge. An organization called Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance is working to protect Comb Ridge and areas like it from the Bush energy plan to accelerate oil and gas exploration in redrock wilderness areas, "a land of uncommon beauty, defined by world-renowned slickrock canyons, stunning cliffs, splendid mountains and startling rock formations":The nine million acres of federally-owned lands covered by America’s Redrock Wilderness Act should be off-limits to oil and gas exploration—leaving over 14 million acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Utah open for drilling or other extractive uses.This extraordinary American landscape is more precious that the fuel inefficiency of the ordinary American SUV, and demands preservation by civilized society.
Friday, November 22, 2002
Why it's dangerous to walk in the USA. Almost 5,000 people per year die in the US simply because they are pedestrians. And yet there's no $38 billion Cabinet-level Department of Sidewalk Security. Makes you wonder which side Bush and Lott and the rest of them are on. Stop taking antibiotics, honey.
Montreal's Expo67 was "a spectacular success, many say it was the last great World's Fair," according to Portage, where I found this fascinating site. As a wee child who attended the fair, I remember many of these odd pavilions demonstrating how cool architecture could be in a Jetsons-style future, and how tres cool Canada is.
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Drug dealers meet and conspire to make Congress their bitches according to this report. As you know, the new general secretary of China's Communist Party is Hu Jintao, prompting the following exchange (by James Sherman, via .foXinternet):HU'S ON FIRST
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Hey George – it's in the Bible, it must be true!And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Spliceth not the seed of the goat with the seed of the spider, for the milk of the land shall remain unengineered by men with coats of white and pots of gold who ruleth the heavens and the earth.So genetic manipulation is forbidden by the Lord your God after all. Take that, Tommy Thompson! Statistical arguments against invading Iraq.The United States imports six millions barrels of oil a day from the Middle East. If stacked one on top of another, it would make a stack six million barrels high…(From the hilarious Lies Behind the Upcoming Iraqi War, found on some MetaFilter comments page or another.)
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
"The real problem with engineered crops...… is that they permit the big biotech companies to place a padlock on the food chain. By patenting the genes and all the technologies associated with them, the corporations are manoeuvring themselves into a position from which they can exercise complete control over what we eat. This has devastating implications for food security in poorer countries…George Monbiot's "The covert biotech war" in The Guardian. The article details the use of invented, fictional people such as "Andura Smetacek" who use the Internet to accuse critics of GM of "terrorism," the new description of any activity that CEOs and Republicans don't like. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE from the ACLU:Ruling for the first time in its history, the ultra-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review today gave the green light to a Justice Department bid to broadly expand its powers to spy on U.S. citizens.Emphasis added, but never enough. Could this political environment be any stranger than it is? Yesterday I noted that pharmaceutical giant Lilly is being granted legislative perks it didn't even ask for. It turns out that last Friday a Lilly heiress gave $100 million (New York Times) to Poetry Magazine."Its a real mind-blower," said the United States' poet laureate, Billy Collins, who was at the dinner. "Poetry has always had the reputation as being the poor little match girl of the arts. Well, the poor little match girl just hit the lottery."Those who ask for nothing but are favored by the whims of Republican plutocrats receive enormous fortunes, and those of us who ask for simple things (like honest election recounts, protected wilderness areas, parity with Canadian medical coverage, democracy, etc.) get nothing. Worse than nothing.
Monday, November 18, 2002
bad things provides this mindfuck from Science Magazine, for which I lazily couldn't figure out the site registration (emphasis added):1) To avoid getting advice that is discordant with the administration's political agenda, the secretary [of HHS, Tommy Thompson] disbanded the National Human Research Protections Advisory Committee and DHHS's Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, both of which were attempting to craft solutions to the complex problems accompanying genetic testing and research; solutions that apparently conflicted with the religious views of certain political constituencies.It will take generations to undo the pluto-theocratic damage that Junior's administration is wreaking upon us all. Rittenhouse Readers: see update below this post. Pork: More fat for the Right, less meat for America. The Fatherland Security bill has been disfigured by a series of GOP surgeries intended to reward party functionaries, according to the Washington Post:Lawyers for parents of autistic children suing pharmaceutical companies over childhood vaccines charged yesterday that a new section in the homeland bill -- passed on Wednesday by the House and now before the Senate -- would keep the lawsuits out of state courts, ruling out huge judgments and lengthy litigation.Tom DeLay gets his piece of the pie:
Friday, November 15, 2002
How to pay for all of Junior's wars and deficits and Leave-No-CEO-Behind programs. A small but stylish European country collects a unique form of luxury tax, with no apparent harm to its citizens' health or well-being. It has also seen a dramatic uptick in tourism and related private and public revenues – nearly $2.5 billion. Job creation? You betcha! "It's a cash cow for everyone involved." Stop obsessing about Iraq. Defy the media gods who want to pummel you with messages of inevitability.
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Preston Sturges' golden rules for successful comedy: Edward Said in Al-Ahram Weekly, in an article entitled "Europe versus America." A few quotes: "Word got around the department that I was a good Arabic translator who did a great Saddam imitation," recalls the Harvard grad student. "Eventually, someone phoned me, asking if I wanted to help change the course of Iraq policy." Black ninja quiz. Who said, "It would scare the (expletive) out of al-Qaida if suddenly a bunch of black ninjas rappelled out of helicopters in to the middle of their camp. It would get us an enormous deterrence and show those guys we're not afraid"? Everybody's tired. In addition to Media Whores Online, The Rittenhouse Review takes a break too.
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Boston gets the 2004 Dem convention! This development is sure to make for a more liberal televisual feast.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Media Whores Online is taking the rest of the year off. I can understand the impulse – this is a dispiriting time for the left-leaning. After 11 days away from a computer, I have barely been back in town 48 hours and am still reeling from the aftershocks of last week's debacle. With a long winter on the way, hibernation may be a natural reaction.
Monday, November 11, 2002
Pissed. After a nice bit of time off it's bad enough to come home, which is naturally depressing in itself, but to top it off with the depressing election results and a forty-degree Chicago November rain... well, the combination could be motivation enough to empty a bottle of bourbon. So I think I will.
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