culture, politics, commentary, criticism

Friday, December 13, 2002
More thoughts on lying and loyalty by David Wessel in, of all places,
The Wall Street Journal (subscription required):
Bill Clinton lied about Monica Lewinsky. But this administration seems particularly proud of its skill in misleading the press, the public and Congress, when convenient. It has even hired Elliot Abrams and John Poindexter, both of whom were convicted of lying to Congress about Reagan-era aid to Nicaraguan rebels. (Mr. Abrams was pardoned. Mr. Poindexter's conviction was overturned because prosecutors relied on testimony provided under immunity granted by Congress.)

A White House aide who had told me one thing on the record a few weeks ago tried to persuade me over the weekend, not for attribution, that the opposite was true. I protested. His reply: "Why would I lie? Because that's what I'm supposed to do. Lying to the press doesn't prick anyone's conscience."

Now that's candor.

Political loyalty and message discipline aren't ends in themselves. Politics is not just a sport. It matters. Differences over economic policy aren't just about whether the Republican team wins or loses to the Democratic team. They are about the best way to use the power of government to see that our children and grandchildren live better than we do.
It's bad enough when your opponents exercise power they're earned. But when they abuse power they haven't earned except through nepotism and chicanery, the result is the destruction of American ideals and a basic disrespect for the people and institutions — including the press — that make this country great.

In keeping with the all-politics, all-the-time characterization, the rush to distance itself from the fundamental racism of its own party reveals Junior's administration for what it is: a hollow lie from the bratty son of another one-term liar elected by playing the racism card way back in 1988.

Link via Altercation.

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