Better hold your nose. When insiders sell, the markets get that nasty Enron smell.
Extra Credit Question: Before he became CEO of Halliburton, who was Lesar's former employer? None other than Arthur Andersen, the auditor of both Enron on Lay/Skilling's watch and Halliburton on Cheney's watch. Happy Veterans' Day!
25b. Which of the following comes closer to what you think about this investigation and indictment?
Lewis Libby is the only person in the Bush administration who may have acted illegally........ 8
Others in the Bush administration may have acted illegally as well............................ 78
Not sure........................................... 14
30a. Do you think that President Bush gave the country the most accurate information he had before going to war with Iraq, or do you think that President Bush deliberately misled people to make the case for war with Iraq?
[11/05* | 6/04+ | 3/04+]
Gave the most accurate information he had.... 35 44 53
Deliberately misled people to make the case for war..................... 57 47 41
Not sure...................................... 8 9 6
* Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Meanwhile, the US military death toll under Bush-Cheney-Rove climbs to 2,175.
Americans for an unobstructed voting booth.Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL): "I am introducing the Deceptive Election Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2005 to provide voters with real protection from deceptive practices that aim to keep them away from the polls on Election Day."
And if this report is true, Susan Ralston is scheduled to appear again before Patrick Fitzgerald.
It would be nice if Abramoff himself figured somehow into the current investigation. Thanks to the hyperpoliticization of policy, which is the real takeaway of Plamegate, Abramoff belongs in this investigation far more than Monica did in the so-called Whitewater investigation.
Turning back stiff opposition from scientist and teacher groups, the Kansas state board of education adopted science standards that question evolution and open the classroom to what some proponents describe as nontraditional explanations for scientific phenomena.
Antievolution initiatives in Kansas and some other states have been pushed by advocates of "intelligent design," many of whom are conservative Christians. The moves come at a time when U.S. high-school students lag behind their counterparts in other developed countries in math and science. Critics of the board's decision, adopted by a 6-4 vote, believe the new standards will put Kansas' students at greater disadvantage.
The six stupid members of the Kansas state board of education are themselves proof that life evolves — because they haven't.