Friday, April 11, 2003
The climactic scene of victory plays to an empty theater. Kynn at Shock and Awe demonstrates just how idiotic the Hussein statue-felling was, once you realize that even though zillions saw it on television, almost no one was there in person. Name that loon. Who said, "the wife is to subordinate herself to her husband" and "the woman is to place herself under the authority of the man" in the same way that "the church is to place herself under the protection of Christ"? Choose one: "Black files" will never see the light of day. You can be sure that the pathologically secretive Bush Junior administration will never let any of this material out into the open (Asia Times):When it comes to file-keeping, the Baathists of Iraq were often referred to as the "Prussians of the Middle East". Saddam Hussein's officials kept impeccable and detailed records on virtually all realms of government and society. But as looting grips Baghdad and throngs of civilians rush government buildings to exact retribution in whatever small way they can, the fate of these records is an open question. In post-war Iraq, these documents will prove to be of inestimable value for determining guilt and meting out justice. But it will all depend on whether the prized materials have already been destroyed or disappeared.Why did we send 300,000 people at great expense to central Asia — to find questionable weapons of mass destruction, or irrefutable memos of mass collusion? Start bombing Lubbock! A smuggled biological weapons cache has been discovered in Texas (BBC). Opposition politics. More on Ahmed Chalabi — exiled Iraqi, pal of Dick Cheney, and convicted bank embezzler — from Slate: "Chalabi 'has been entirely ineffective, except in one area, which is undermining other opposition groups,' an anonymous U.S. official told the Philadelphia Inquirer last year. In a war, behavior like that can get you killed. In a democracy, it makes you president." The Axis of Execution: "China, Iran and the USA accounted for 81 per cent of all known executions [worldwide] in 2002." Like a slanderous, miserly neighbor. The legal tactics of State Farm are thoroughly dissected at PLA (look for the April 10, 2003 post), where we are given the following advice:The next time you hear that an insurance company pays millions of dollars and frivolous claims, remember this case. State Farm refused to pay $50,000 to settle both a wrongful death case and a permanent disability case when its own investigators determined its insured [driver Curtis Campbell] to be at fault.The full post is revealing in its detail — State Farm's tactical use of a concocted "pregnant girlfriend" and its Enron-style document destruction, to name just two examples. It's yet another PLA gem you should read. It's official — Cheney's pimping is extremely effective. The New York Times reports on the $7 billion no-bid contract to Halliburton:WASHINGTON, April 10 — The Pentagon contract given without competition to a Halliburton subsidiary to fight oil well fires in Iraq is worth as much as $7 billion over two years, according to a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers that was released today.Link via Atrios. More fuck-ups in the real war on terror. Before the USA decided to invest its formidable resources in toppling statues of Saddam Hussein, there was a completely unrelated terrorist incident known as September 11. But before September 11, there was a pivotal event in the history of terrorist attacks on Americans — the
Thursday, April 10, 2003
It's not a war. It's a way of life. Other members of the Bush dynasty are living the lifestyle that soldiers (and journalists) are defending with their lives (Houston Chronicle):Don't count on Sharon Bush to go quietly into the night once her ties to the Bush dynasty are severed by divorce. The ongoing legal action between Neil and Sharon Bush notwithstanding, she continues on her long-established path of community service.Thank the Lord for Sharon Bush and Tilman Fertitta. Peace in Ireland will be restored by the near-ex-wife of the president's banking criminal brother and a Rolls-Royce dealer: Billionaires plan their next conquests. The rich are not like you or me — they want to become world conquistadors. From FindLaw/Reuters:Emboldened by the U.S. military's apparent quick rout of Iraqi forces, conservative hawks in America are setting their sights on regime change in Iran and Syria.*These institutes and think tanks are endowed by the likes of Richard Mellon Scaife and the Bradley Foundation in what amounts to an attempt at a plutocratic global coup under the twin Trojan horses of "democracy" and a "war on terror."
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Cheney's priorities become clearer. While soldiers are being pummeled with flowers in Baghdad, Dick Cheney isn't wasting any time celebrating. This story came out at noon Eastern Time today (Yahoo/Reuters):NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Iraq's oil production could rise as much as 50 percent from 2002 levels by the end of the year if the country is given outside help in restoring its fields' capacity to pump crude, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Wednesday.*Oversight of the oil ministry will be led by Iraqis named Ahmed Chalabi, if his carefully-stoked post-9/11 relationship with Dick Cheney bears any fruit. The GOP Congress: frauds, charlatans, and liars. "After spending years (in the '90s) fetishizing about Bill Clinton's failure to state consistently the number of years it would take to balance the budget [link], and after spending months (last year) making a strong, principled stand about what an outrage it was that the Daschle Democrats in the Senate couldn't pass a budget blueprint [link] , the Republican-controlled Congress is having trouble living up to its own standards." — ABC News, The Note, April 9. Hurry up and plunder! Don't miss the 20% early bird discount on the $1,100 admission price to the Rebuilding Iraq business convention in Washington DC on May 1. Mark your calendar now — you can save big if you register before April 14!
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
What's an Army private worth? In Sunday's New York Times:What came next was that he died on March 29, 2003. He was nineteen years old. For his first full year of service he would have earned what every private earns, a little over $15,000.
Monday, April 07, 2003
War profiteer Halliburton's PR flack tells yet another lie. As reported in today's Wall Street Journal (sub. req'd.):Wendy Hall, a Halliburton spokeswoman, declined to comment specifically on the demonstration [against Halliburton war profiteering], but said the decision to go to war wasn't made by Halliburton, adding that, "We live in a country where people have fought so that others may peacefully demonstrate."Wendy Hall, you are so very wrong. View the Archive
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